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Fly Gap Lichen List

A preliminary list of lichen species identified at the Fly Gap Division of Double Helix Ranch, Mason County, Texas. This list is a work in progress.

Genus species Common Name Voucher Comments
Acarospora contigua Gold Cobblestone Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Acarospora sp (brown) Brown Cobblestone Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Caloplaca flavovirescens Sulphur Firedot Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Caloplaca pellodella Olive Firedot Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Haematomma fenzlianum Rock Bloodspot Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Lecanora caesiorubella Frosted Rim Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Parmotrema austrosinense Unwiskered Ruffle Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Parmotrema dilatatum Cracked Ruffle Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Physcia (several species) Rosette Lichens Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Punctelia hypoleucites Southwestern Speckled Shield Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Ramalina complanata Bumpy Ramalina Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Teloschistes exilis Slender Orange Bush Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Usnea cirrosa Sundew Beard Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks
Xanthoparmelia lineola Tight Rock-shield Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Xanthoparmelia mexicana Salted Rock-shield Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Grows on rocks
Xanthoria fulva Bare-bottomed Sunburst Lichen Duke Univ. Herbarium Common on tree branches, especially oaks


Here are some more photos of some lichens at Fly Gap:

Lichen 10Lichen11










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